Who We Are

This is me Paula and this is Ondarez...
My english name is Paula Naponse and I am an Ojibway woman from Atikameksheng. I am an entrepreneur, designer and an educator. I started my designing career when I was around 13 in grade 8 Home Ec class where I made a pair of shorts out of striped red material, I never will forget that as mine was the only “different” project out of the class. After that I made my own clothes, bags, accessories jewelry you name it I made it. I loved when people asked me “where did you get your ….” And I answered by saying I made it! I have always been creative and made my own regalia, beadwork, moccasins, all self-taught. I enjoy the process of thought to creation. I am proud of who I am, I have a beautiful offspring of four, life is challenging but great. I want you to come on my journey as we bring to life culture and traditions of the Indigenous.